This poster is currently unbacked. At check out, you will be given the opportunity to add backing which would cost $80 and take approximately 6-8 weeks.
Linen backing is the industry standard of conservation. Canvas is stretchered and a sheet of acid free barrier paper is laid down. The poster is then pasted to the acid free paper using an acid free paste. This process is fully reversible and gives support to the poster. A border of linen is left around the poster and can be used by a framer to mount the poster so that nothing touches the poster itself. Backing is what we recommend for framing, and for any poster needing restoration.
Whatever your front line job, this is your second line job. Lend a hand on the land. Can you spare an occasional Sunday on the land? If so, join the Londoners' land club. For full particulars, write to Miss Daphne de Grey, Secretary, 48 Heber Road, NW2. Printed for Her Majesty's Stationery Office by Fosh & Cross Limited London